How to write a book: Beginning

Having completed three manuscripts and traversed the publishing process, I cannot call myself an expert on the industry by any means—however, I have learned a thing or two about how to write a book.

The first thing that I believe people should know if they want to become an author is that writing is a skill, not a talent. Writing is not something you are either born with or not, it is something that is learned. While it may come more naturally to some than others, no one starts out as an expert, and anyone can become an expert with hard work, education, and practice. Anyone can write a book.

The first hurdle many people experience is not knowing where to start. The feeling of opening up a fresh Word document or sitting down in front of a blank page is an intimidating one—but keep in mind that every masterpiece of literature ever created began at the very point where you are at now.

So, how do you start writing? The short answer is: however you want. If you have a particular scene in your head that you have a clear picture of, start there. If you have a good idea for a compelling lead character, try writing their biography. J.R.R. Tolkien started his famed fantasy universe by creating languages that would go on to become different forms of Elvish and Dwarvish. There is no wrong way to start writing.

However, if you have no idea where to begin or how to start coalescing your various ideas and concepts into a narrative, I would suggest the first step being constructing your elevator pitch. What is an elevator pitch? If you found yourself in an elevator with someone you wanted to pitch your story to, you would only have a few seconds to do so. You wouldn’t have the time to go into details, describe your themes, discuss your influences, and so forth. It is the bare bones of your story. I suggest starting here because the first person you need to provide with a clear understanding of your story is yourself. Once you establish to yourself what the book is in its most fundamental form, you can begin elaborating upon it and expanding those ideas outward.

What is in an elevator pitch? You may find many different answers to this question, but I think there are four primary elements it should include: who your protagonist or protagonists are, what their status quo is, the inciting incident that interrupts the status quo, and the challenge this creates that the protagonist or protagonists must overcome.

Let’s break this down.

  • Who is your protagonist: Your protagonist is whoever’s point of view the story is told from. This can also be multiple people if you want your story told from different points of view. Ask yourself who this person is and why this particular story should be told from their perspective.

  • What is their status quo: What is the starting point for this character? What is their life before the story begins? Is their status quo something they are trying to preserve or something they want to escape from?

  • What is the inciting incident: If the status quo is your protagonist’s life before the story starts, the inciting incident is what changes or threatens to change that status quo. This is what sets the story in motion. It is an interruption of the familiar that forces the protagonist or protagonists to take action.

  • What is the challenge the protagonist must overcome: Every story is about trying to overcome an obstacle or conclude a conflict. Your story can be about attempting to overthrow an evil galactic empire or it can be about a husband and wife trying to move on after the death of their child. Either way, you have a character or characters trying to get something done. This fourth step is essentially telling the listener what the bulk of the story will be about.

This may sound like a lot to fit into a sentence or two that could be described in the length of an elevator trip, but the trick is condensing it down into its most fundamental elements. Let’s return to Tolkien for a moment. The Lord of the Rings is a monumental three book epic with dozens of named characters, multiple character arcs, numerous sub-plots, and rich themes. Yet, its elevator pitch might sound something like this:

In the magical world of Middle Earth, Frodo Baggins led a quiet life among the peaceful Hobbit folk with his eccentric uncle in the idyllic Shire. However, he learns from the mysterious wizard, Gandalf, that the magic ring inherited from his uncle was created by the Dark Lord Sauron and he must travel to the heart of Sauron’s realm in order to destroy it and save all of Middle Earth.

Here, we see the structure of the story in the simplest terms. We learn who the protagonist is (Frodo Baggins). We see his status quo (Frodo exists in a fantasy setting and lives with his eccentric uncle in the idyllic Shire). There is the inciting incident (inheriting the ring and learning the truth of it from the wizard, Gandalf). Finally, there is the challenge (the ring must be destroyed within Sauron’s realm in order to save the world).

Obviously, this leaves a great deal out—but that is the point. While an elevator pitch can be very useful to describing the story to someone else, getting it in your head from the start of the story can be extremely helpful to a writer if you are having difficulty imagining what your story will look like by forming a solid foundation upon which to build. You, the author, now have decided where and when your story is, who it will focus on, what they are trying to accomplish and why. Don’t worry about getting all the details sorted out from the beginning. Build the foundation and then build on top of it, adding details, sub-plots, and other facets.

 If there is an addendum to these four questions, try asking these four additional questions to get a more complete view of your story. The four questions all essentially mirror the initial questions in your elevator pitch.

  • How does your protagonist or protagonists try to fulfil the challenge from your elevator pitch: Once the challenge has been established, how do your characters try to meet it? This may be the toughest part to summarize as this is what the bulk of your story consists of—the trials and tribulations of the characters as they try achieving the story’s primary goal.

  • Do they accomplish their challenge: Are your characters’ efforts successful? Perhaps they are and there is victory, celebration, and a happy ending. However, some stories are tragedies, and they are not successful. The story does not have to be about how the goal is accomplished, but instead about why it cannot be accomplished or learning something is more important than the initial goal.

  • Is the status quo restored: Do the characters get to return the world as they knew it, or was that world forever changed as a result of the story? This ties in with the fourth point, which is …

  • How does the main character change: A strong rule for creating any protagonist is that they cannot be entirely the same at the end of the story as they were at the beginning. A story is a journey and goes from point A to point B (albeit with numerous stops and diversions in between) and your protagonist lies at the heart of your story. While there are exceptions to this rule (perhaps the character has obstinance as a flaw and refuses to change despite needing to), this can be dangerous as this generally means they are a very flat, boring, unengaging character that most readers will not connect with or want to follow. This change can come in a number of ways; perhaps they become braver, maybe they fall in love, maybe their outlook on the world is forever altered, maybe they even die. This is the “character arc,” the path a character takes from where they enter the story to where they leave it. It establishes how you want your character to progress throughout the story. Establishing this early on can give you an idea where the character has to go and what they have to do throughout the story. For instance, if they gain courage by the end of the story, you know they must face trials and tribulations in which their courage is tested.

To return to the Lord of the Rings, adding these second four questions to the elevator pitch might look something like this:

Frodo and Gandalf form a fellowship of mighty heroes to escort him and the ring to Sauron’s realm of Mordor so he may destroy it. Although some of his companions die throughout the long journey and they are separated, Frodo makes it to Mordor while some of his companions unite the peoples of Middle Earth and fight against Sauron’s armies.

The ring is destroyed, Sauron is defeated upon its destruction, and Frodo returns to the Shire. Middle Earth begins to rebuild despite a great and terrible war. However, the trauma of his adventures leaves Frodo scarred and diminished. Bidding goodbye to his beloved friends, Frodo sails with Gandalf into the storied west so that he might finally know peace yet again.

By combing these eight questions together, you also have what is called a “summary.” This is a brief run-down of the whole story that professionals such as editors and agents may want to see in the latter stages of the publishing process. This makes it a good thing to keep around throughout the writing process, both as a guiding star and as a useful tool so you can explain your story to others.

 … But the convenient thing is that you don’t have to keep it the same either. Some writers, upon getting halfway through with a project, may find they want to fundamentally change what it is, by altering where they want the story to go, what they want to say through their writing, or how they want the readers to perceive the story. Do not feel bound by an elevator pitch or summary. Rather, use them as the spine of what you want to write—or as I said earlier, a foundation. You can change an elevator pitch or summary but always ensure you have a new one if you do. That way, you always have a solid, central idea of what you want the story to be.

Back at it

So, how does someone start a blog back up after not writing for a year?

Like this, I suppose.

Yes, I am writing here again. No, I am not dead. Honestly, it’s just because I’m just not a very blog-y kind of person. Still, if you want to be an author, you need to have a platform and like any metaphorical or physical platform, they are always more stable when you have a foundation. So even if there aren’t many people reading this right now, I want to put this site out there and give people some content if and when I start gaining some attention.

So what inspired me to start blogging again? Well, that brings me to my next topic: what I’ve been up to. When last we met, I had just finished my manuscript for “Northbridge.” I have since changed the name to “A Matter of Discretion” and hope to turn the exploits of the Giles Northbridge character into a series. Since finishing the manuscript I have gone through the slow and painful enjoyable and fulfilling editing process.

I went through two rounds of beta readers, who give me input to see what people who aren’t me think of the story. As part of this, I also hired a sensitivity reader to ensure I am being respectful and accurate in terms of minority representation in the story. In many ways, it’s like a different kind of beta reader, except that they are looking at a specific aspect of the story (and let’s be honest, we all have a few blind spots when it comes to how people might interpret our work).

Then I hired an editor. She was a very talented professional named Faith Black Ross. Her website can be found here. We went back and forth over the summer changing and tweaking “A Matter of Discretion.” The editing process is slow and hearing criticism for your work is never fun, but I’ve learned what I’ve always been told: it’s one of the most - if not the most - important parts of writing a novel.

Now I am looking for an agent. A literary agent is the person who represents you and your work and essentially shops it around to publishers. The good news about agents is they don’t get paid until you do, typically taking about 15% of your commission. The bad news is that you need to find an agent to represent you first (and, of course, there is no promise an agent will be able to find you a publisher, only that they will try their hardest to do so - if they’re good, of course).

Finding how to query an agent properly required a good bit of research in and of itself. Not to mention, you need to learn how to recognize the differences between a real agent and fraudulent or phony ones too. I think I will post a little more about the process in a few days. For now, I am going to sign off.

I will leave by saying that I am writing the sequels to both “Nuru” and “A Matter of Discretion” right now. More news will follow on those fronts as well.

Until then, I am glad to be back.

How to self publish, part four

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In part four of my series describing what I learned while self publishing my own book, I will discuss online resources and connecting with potential readers.

So, you've gotten your manuscript read by some beta readers, you're working with your editor, you've contracted an artist for a book cover . . . now what do you do?

You start building an online presence, that's what.

Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are all good platforms for letting people know who you are and giving them updates. Let them know about your progress, share interesting tips or advice you've gotten, and most importantly announce and publicize your releases.

Setting up a profile on also is something I would highly suggest. Some reviewers will expect you to have one so they can check out your book; plus it's another avenue to get your name out there as well as the name of your book. It lets readers leave reviews and rate your novel as well, and your book could end up as a suggested book on other pages of similar books.

Social media should supplement a website, though. Without any sort of site where people can find out about you and your work you will look like an amateur. Squarespace is what I used to build mine and I was fairly pleased with it. It seemed like both an affordable option and one that gives you the creative freedom to make it look unique. As an author you should make sure to include a few things for certain. Post information about each book with as much art as you can provide, give readers an idea what those books are, and show people where they can buy them.

Also be sure to include some information about yourself and how to get in contact with you. Many writers are introverts and one of the most difficult things they find they have to face is not only marketing their books but also marketing yourself. You need to build up a personal brand and cement yourself as a skilled writer and a reliable content creator.

Once you have a manuscript in its final draft stage the next thing you will have to do is reach out for reviews by ARC readers. "ARC" stands for "advanced reader copies," and pretty much means it's a version of the finished book that you send to these reviewers prior to the actual publication. ARCs generally don't receive payment for a review. You are sending them a free copy of your book (and thus providing them with content for their own blogs and websites) and in return they are giving you a free, unbiased review. And I mean unbiased. They are not going to market your book for you, they are going to give their honest opinion on it and some people will not connect with what you write - it's not a knock against you, it's just an inevitability.

A great source for finding ARC readers is The Book Blogger List. Besides having a lot of resources for writers you should check out, it contains lists of blogs and websites full of potential ARC readers. Not all of them do ARCS, not all of them will want to review your work, and not all of them will review work in your genre, but you will find plenty who do.

Most ARCs will accept an eBook copy so long as you have it in the proper format. A mobi file is the most common, there's a good site where you can convert a Microsoft Word document to a mobi file for free at this link. Be aware that some reviewers will only accept paper copies and that would mean shipping a physical copy of the book to them, and shipping costs can add up. ARC reviews will come in handy when it comes time to market your book. Include positive reviews in one-sheets and other promotional material. Also make sure to link the reviews you get (at least the positive ones, heh) on your social media pages.

All of this is still a learning experience for me, and I expect it will always remain that way. I am currently still trying to market my first book and learning the ins and outs, but hopefully this will help someone else get a head start on their own process.

As always, good luck.


How to self publish, part three

Continuing my blog series on my self-publishing process, we now get to artists.

The cover of my novel “Nuru,” created by artist Gaetano Caltabiano.

The cover of my novel “Nuru,” created by artist Gaetano Caltabiano.

With a novel, you won't require a lot of artwork but at the very least you will need a cover. If you want to go for a bare bones cover with just a title, byline, and perhaps a symbol or simple image, this might be able to created by yourself or by a graphic artist. Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing, where I published by book, has a cover creator for just this purpose, but keep in mind that - contrary to the old saying - people do judge books by their cover. Your cover will be the first thing people see when they find your book so you want it to be something that catches the eye.

The cover ideally is a summation of what the book is. No one should look at a science fiction epic and think it could be an Agatha Christie-esque mystery. This can sound hard; after all, you spend months crafting a meticulous narrative involving tons of characters, settings, and themes and then you have to try and distill it all into a single image.

With my book, "Nuru," I tried to focus on some of the core aspects of the story when coming up with the cover. It's an adventure story, it's a fantasy, it's about a young character forced to face the world alone, it's about the invasion of an overwhelming and otherworldly force, and unlike most fantasy stories it replaces the traditional European milieu for a more African-inspired one.

If you look at the cover, pictured, you see the main character with a sword in his hand facing off against an oncoming tide of dark invaders on a Savanna plain that stretches out toward the mountains. I think that captured the things I was going for, and I was very pleased with the outcome. People who look at the cover will be able to insinuate most, if not all, of those concepts I singled out just by looking at the image. 

The best advice I can give is look at a lot of different book covers, especially those in the genre you are writing in. See what other authors and publishers try to say with their covers.

I found my artist on I'm no expert in freelance artists, but this seems to be one of the premiere sites for finding artists for hire. Like all contractors and freelancers, you're usually going to get what you pay for, and a good book cover will cost $500 at the minimum unless it is a very simple image. Artists are no different than writers, they are skilled professionals and they need to be paid as such for their hard work and time.

Look for authors who have experience with cover art in your genre. Check out their previous work - and make sure you see previous work, the internet has no shortage of scammers. That's one of the advantages of a site such as Fiverr. They put your payment in escrow until you approve of the completion of the job. Be wary of people asking for payment in advance or those who say they will only be paid through PayPal or any other service where you can lose your money before knowing the job is completed to your satisfaction. 

Working with an artist can take time. Communicate your idea to them as clearly as you can. Send them sketches you may have made, samples of clothing or architecture you want to model part of your cover off of, and send any hints possible so the artist has an idea for reference. Explain to them the emotion you want to convey to potential readers, as well. The more information your artist has, the easier it will be for them and the closer the results will be to your vision.

Artists will usually send you some preliminary sketches before they start on the nitty gritty of the creation process. This is the time to make corrections, suggestions, or to ask questions about what your options are. Don’t be afraid to get specific. You hired them for a job and are paying good money for it - make them earn it.

One of the things I didn't think of before starting was whether I wanted just a front cover or a full cover. A front cover will have just what is shown on the front of the book, and if you're only releasing your book for eReaders, this is the way to go. It's cheaper and no one will see the rest of a cover anyway on an eReader. If you want to release hard copies in hardback or paperback, consider the full cover. It looks more professional and it give you some more room to work with to tease readers with.

Another thing I had never considered was font. Like the rest of the cover, it should communicate the tone of your book. Just google "fonts" or "exotic fonts" and you will find dozens of good sites full of suggestions and examples. Some may be unavailable to your artist as they would need to actually download the font (and be aware, some artists will charge extra to add text to the cover, assuming you will just add it later). Play with as many fonts as you can. The sites I mentioned usually let you type something in to see it in different fonts so get creative. If you are writing a fantasy story, make it look rustic and exotic. If it's science fiction, make it look strange and otherworldly, it's a 1920's mystery, look for a retro art-deco looking font.

Something else to keep in mind is ownership and rights of the image. When you contract with an artist, they are signing over ownership of that image to you so this is usually not a big deal so long as you make sure the contract is on the up and up. With photographs, it can get dicier simply because people are more likely to use an existing photograph or image. I advise against this whenever possible. Even if something is listed as stock art. First of all, stock art tends to be free for a reason. Second of all, when your using an image to sell something like a book, you need to ensure no one can lay ownership of that image and the internet's attitude toward attribution in general can be sketchy at the best of times.

Lastly, as I said at the start, with a novel you probably won't need art beyond the cover. However, the same advice goes for additional art you may want for your website. If you look at the different pages of my site, you will see some additional art related to the books I commissioned to help show off my writing. Like the cover, it's an investment. However, people are visual creatures and grabbing someone's attention with a strong, telling image can go a long way.

To finish up, here's a link to iWriterly's Youtube page. She's another writer who puts out videos with some great advice on writing and publishing. I highly advise you check her out.

That's it for today,


How to self publish, part two

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Part Two:

Continuing my series documenting my experiences self publishing my first novel, we now reach the fun part. 

And by "fun," I obviously mean terrifying.

Now that you've looked at your own work enough times to drive yourself crazy, it's time to get other people to look at it. Getting some friends or family members to look at your manuscript at this point is a good idea if you can convince them to do so. It's a matter of opinion, but I find it less intimidating to hand your work off to someone you know and trust before handing it off to a stranger. They can find any glaring issues with your work and tell you about them at a stage before you have to hear it from a professional.

The next major step you need to take is to find what are known as "beta readers." Beta readers will read your work either as a completed manuscript or chapter by chapter depending on preference and provide you with feedback. Some of these people are writing professionals, others are just people who enjoy reading and like being able to talk about it afterward. There's no one correct way to interact with betas, but the most common method is to send them a sort of survey for them to look at following the end of each chapter. Some of the most helpful questions I found were:

Could you clearly follow the plot? Why or why not?

Did you like the way XXXXX was introduced? Did you get a clear picture of who they are as a character?

What was your favorite part of the chapter?

What was your least favorite part of the chapter?

Also, don't be afraid to ask them specifics. Are you unsure if a character is coming across as likable? Does a particular scene feel unnecessary? Does a joke you added in a scene come across as tension breaking or as too strong a tonal shift? It's okay to ask beta readers such questions.

The other main thing betas provide are alternative perspectives. Everyone has blind spots. These blind spots can be as innocuous as misunderstanding the meaning of a word to something that could cause a reader to throw the book down such as unintentionally including a racial stereotype you weren't aware of. Don't freak out about these things, everyone has them, and this is the stage in creating your book when you want to catch them and fix them.

So how do you find beta readers? Among the easiest methods you can use is go onto social media and put out a call for them. This is actually how I found most of mine. Write a post stating you are looking for betas to read a book of a certain genre and hashtag it, so betas looking for work can find it. This isn't always reliable so I would suggest trying the and, which hosts services for hire for authors. It can take some time, but search for beta readers looking for work on the sites and ask them if they want to review your work.

You want as much beta feedback as you can get, but keep in mind these are professionals performing a service for you, so you will have to pay them. It's usually about $1.00 per every thousand words. This may not sound like a lot, but if your manuscript is 80,000 words (which is fairly short for a novel), that's $80.00 to each reader. You want no fewer than five beta readers as well. Like I said in part one, writing a book requires an investment.

It's also at this stage you want to look for an editor. You want to take your time and find a good one. No matter how good you may be at self editing, an editor is necessary for many of the same reasons beta readers are necessary: they will see your book from an entirely different perspective. They will catch mistakes you miss, they will ask questions you don't think to ask, and they will notice aspects of your story you may be missing.

And when I say a "professional editor," I mean a professional one. A friend or coworker who is good at catching mistakes in writing is not enough. Professional editors are educated and trained to make sure your book adheres to a single type of grammar and style. Editing is one of those things where you get what you pay for, so don't scrimp. 

The best place to look for potential editors is the Editorial Freelancers Association ( When self publishing, an editor from a professional firm or publisher is probably going to be difficult to hire and very expensive. A freelance editor is a professional who will be more available and more likely to fall within your price range. Expect to pay them at least $1,000 for a full novel length manuscript, though.

There are three kinds of editing for a novel. Developmental editing is a review of things like characters, story, themes, and so forth. Line editing is a review of things like consistency, tense, tone, and clarity. Copy editing is a review of things like grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Some editors charge separately for each of these services and some bundle them. You may enlist the services of two or three editors to cover each, but this can be dangerous since part of the editing process is consistency and you could potentially get opposing input from each editor.

I was lucky to have found someone I had known previously in college to work on my first book. She had become a professional editor and I hired her first as a beta reader and then when that worked out well, we discussed having her take on the project as editor. While most people won't have the luxury of having previously known their editor, it is important that they be someone you have a good working relationship with. Someone local is preferable so you can meet them face to face. Don't be afraid to ask them the hard questions and don't be afraid to disagree with them. They are professionals, so you always want to listen what they have to say, but talking something out that you disagree with them on is a fantastic way to sort through your vision for the book and how other people may interpret that vision. 

My helpful link for the day is the Youtube channel of Jenna Moreci, an author and blogger. There are several Youtube channels that are helpful to first time writers, but Moreci's was the most helpful one I found and her videos are short, punchy, and she releases new ones all the time. Check her out:

That's it for today. Next time we will handle how to hire artists for your book.


How to self publish, part one

So having just completed my first novel, some people might be wondering how do you do that.

Well, I happen to be the perfect person to ask because when I started this process I had no idea either.

I am by no means an expert in the subject, but that's sort of my point. I came into this whole thing without any real concept of what it would take. My plan is to post several blog posts over the next few weeks chronicling how I navigated the process so it can hopefully help others do the same. 

I'm approaching the topic as if you just completed your first draft. I might make some follow up posts discussing advice I've found helpful for this, but for the time being this seems like a good starting point. The first step: read it. Do a thorough self edit. When you're done, do it again. If you have some time to spare, take a few days or weeks off. Give your brain some time to get some distance from the project and maybe work on something else. Then edit it again with fresh eyes.

Take it from someone who works as a reporter, no matter how many times you look at something or how many sets of eyes you have look at it, mistakes will still slip through. You have no idea how many newspapers have gone to press discussing an event at the "pubic library."

The next thing you want to do is start with some of the preliminary steps. If you plan on selling your book, you will want to register as an LLC, or limited liability company. This provides you with certain legal protections once you start publishing your book and allows you to deduct what you spend on creating your books since you are doing so as a business entity.

Which reminds me: publishing a book costs money. The costs are nothing that are going to break the bank, but it does require an investment. Hiring editors, buying ISBN numbers, paying artists and a dozen other things are going to cost you money before you are able to make a penny off your book. 

How do you register as an LLC? It varies state to state, but here's a good starting point on

Do your research. Even just google "How do I form an LLC?" and type in the state you live in. 

The other thing you want to do while you're in the self-editing phase is set up a social media presence. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are all good options. The more of yourself you can put out there the better. Include information about yourself as an author, information about the book, and anything else you can use to grab peoples' attention and get them interested in your book. Keep in mind, if you want to be a professional writer you want to come across like a professional.

I'm going to link some resources in these posts that I found helpful and my first is a reference book about self publishing that helped get me started. It is focused mainly on nonfiction writing since that is what the focus of her own books are, but it is a useful guide to anyone starting out called "You Can Write a Book!" by Julie Beyer, MA. She walks you through the first steps of writing and publishing in a very direct and easy-to-understand manner. I highly recommend it.

It can be found for purchase here:

I hope you enjoyed this first post and will return for my next one: showing your work to other people and surviving the heart attack that follows.



Welcome to my site!

My name is Eamon Bernard and I am an author. Given my lack of proclivity toward computers and their mutual hatred toward me, I am still getting the hang of building this website. That being said, I think things are coming together.

I work as a journalist in the Detroit area by day and write novels by night because that is the particular flavor of self-harm that seems to appeal to me. I write … well, whatever I feel like writing. I have a proclivity toward fantasy and mystery and, as you’ll see on the site, those are the genres of the first two works I am publishing.

A lot of writers like to get all high minded and long winded about writing being a passion and how it’s art, but honestly, I just like telling stories. I was the kid daydreaming and staring out the window in the back of the classroom and I never really stopped.

I hope you become a fan, but I hope I can tell you a good story even more. Welcome to my mind.

It’s not boring

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